I'm a singer, ud & guitar Player
Teaching, creating, performing & recording my own music
Composing background music
With a new technic for playing ud & guitar
Bringing Eastern and Western music together
Open for new music projects, performances & creating beauty together
Welcome to record your music, voice & Instrument in my modest studio
- - Music Meeting festival, global Roots festival
- Centrum de Appel
- Huis van Puck, Arnhem
- Oosterlicht locatie theater, Nijmegen
- Library cooperation with local poets, Nijmegen
- Wintertuin festival, Nijmegen
- Brebl jazz podium, Nijmegen
- Sprookjesfestival, creative project with storyteller Ron Vervuurt
- Global Arts, Lindenberg
- Millinger theetuin, special diner concert
- La Souk restaurant, Nijmegen
- Orchestre Partout, Netherlands
- Radboud universiteit, Nijmegen
- Lux Art Centre, Nijmegen
- Lindenberg, Partout festival, Nijmegen
- Thiemenloods, Nijmegen
- Duurzaamheidscafe
- Gemeente Nijmegen, Dutch naturalisation ceremony
- Valkof affaire festival, Nijmegen
- Orientalis museum, Nijmegen
- Cooperation with Dirk-Wim van 't Hof, musician Nijmegen
- Provincie Gelderland, cultuurfonds
- Cooperation with flutists Jacqueline Arts, video and performance project
- Het verhaal van Gelderland festival
- Mashed Culture festival
- TV Friesland
- Ghiatshow Salto tv Amsterdam
- Liberty canon, stadhuis Nijmegen